detached triple garage with driveway parking. Description: Accommodation: This deceptively spacious detached dormer bungalow has been improved by the current owners to provide well proportioned accommodation. The internal façade of the Palazzo Ginetti is finely decorated with stucco, and has a curious detached baroque staircase by Martino Lunghi the younger, which Burckhardt calls unique if only for the view to which its arched colonnades serve as a frame. At South Manchester, an attractive industrial village, a silk mill was built in 1838; the silk mills of one firm (Cheney Brothers) here cover about 12 acres; the company has done much for its employees, whose homes are almost all detached cottages in attractive grounds. The so-called Great Palace consists of a group of detached buildings, apparently ten in number, standing on two platforms of different elevations. In Characeae no fewer than four methods of vegetative reproduction have been described, and the facility with which buds and branches are in these cases detached has been adduced as an evidence of affinity with Bryophyta, which, as a class, are distinguished by their ready resort to vegetative reproduction. Askari III was the first semi-detached housing sector of the Askari Scheme. Replace the fusee box with the spring detached from the fusee box with the spring detached from the fusee. It consists essentially of a series of circular notched disks, the so-called saws, revolving between the interstices of an iron bed upon which the cotton is placed: the teeth of the " saws " catch the lint and pull it off from the seeds, then a revolving brush removes the detached lint from the saws, and creates sufficient draught to carry the lint out of the machine to some distance. Ty Coch is a large detached self catering farmhouse in a peaceful location close to the foot of Snowdon. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Turkish Dictionary. Termination type is a characteristic indicating the manner in which the distal end … My real estate agent showed the couple the rancher with the detached garage, but the wife hated it because she … One morning I locked my mother up in the pantry, where she was obliged to remain three hours, as the servants were in a detached part of the house. OK they have substantially more funding but they're definitely institutional rather than this curiously detached body that is BUGS. 2. These are certainly possible, but the sentences expressing them will not take the form of the sentences considered in this paper. While I was heavily sedated after surgery, I felt a sense of detachment from my environment. 2. However, Godfrey and his friends were easily worsted, and when the dispossessed duke again tried the fortune of war he found that the German king had detached Henry of France from his side and was also in alliance with the English king, Edward the Confessor. Few remains of its former importance exist, the chief being the Citadel built by the Genoese and still showing Latin inscriptions on some of its towers, the one or two detached towers left when the town walls were pulled down, and two or three mosques, formerly Genoese churches. Private houses in these western districts consist chiefly of residential flats, though in the Kasr el-Dubara quarter are many detached residences. Players have ten minutes to find the largest collection of detached human eyeballs. Detached construction sometimes causes the simultaneous realization of two grammatical meanings of a word. The property is a detached cottage with rendered elevations beneath a tiled roof. There are small detached portions in Waldeck, Thuringia, &c.; on the other hand the province enclaves the province of Oberhessen belonging to the grand-duchy of Hesse, and the circle of Wetzlar belonging to the Rhine Province. 20, will serve to exhibit the disposition of viscera which prevails in the group. In such cases the oldest cormidia, that is to say, those furthest from the nectosome, may become detached (like the segments or proglottides of a tape-worm) and swim off, each such detached cormidium then becoming a small free cormus which, in many cases, has been given an independent generic name. These masses are easily detached by the agency of insects. Side by side with the doctrine of separable souls with which we have so far been concerned, exists the belief in a great host of unattached spirits; these are not immanent souls which have become detached from their abodes, but have every appearance of independent spirits. In the rear garden of the house we have a detached outbuilding that was once the tack room for the farm. Someone who is detached is not personally involved in something or has no emotional interest in it. During the night Grant's detached division (Lew Wallace's) and Buell's army came up, totalling 25,000 fresh troops, and at 5 A.M. The Congressional Enabling Act of the 30th of April 1802 followed that alternative of the North-West Ordinance which provided for five states in determining the boundaries, and in consequence the Indiana and Michigan districts were detached. They flew many flights to Malta and Cyprus carrying troops and RAF personnel detached for the assault on the Canal Zone. Examples of 'detached' in a sentence detached . from Tyne to Solway, more exactly from Wallsend to Bowness, he built a continuous rampart, more probably of turf than of stone, with a ditch in front of it, a number of small forts along it, one or two outposts a few miles to the north of it, and some detached forts (the best-known is on the hill above Maryport) guarding the Cumberland coast beyond its western end. Learn Ludwig. 1. adjective. The military government of Paris is independent of the army corps system and comprises, besides a division of the colonial army corps (see below), 3~ others detached from the II., III., IV. During some displays, auroral light appears in irregular areas or patches, which sometimes bear a very close resemblance to illuminated detached clouds. (2) Chelsea (detached portion in administrative county of Middlesex, Kensal Town). (a) The gas is made from the fuel in a detached fireplace and conducted while hot into the combustion chamber of the furnace, and the air for complete combustion is heated by the products of combustion on their way to the chimney. A sneer and a borrowed witticism, a detached, dispassionate veneer intended to convey intelligence. Popa, a detached peak in the Myingyan district, belongs to this system and rises to a height of nearly 5000 f t., but it is interesting mainly as an extinct volcano, a landmark and an object of superstitious folklore, throughout the whole of Central Burma. The highest of these apparently detached groups are Mt. Swiftly, he dropped the hat to the floor and, reaching up, Gillenormand who clung to it, and Marius who, This new identification with no self can feel flat, dry, and, This is accessed when one is neither attached or, In the midst of all this Zourine had been, Any cherished thoughts she had were concealed behind a, The woman watched Christine’s distress calmly, with a, True love happens when we are living in a ful state of, The car pulls in through the gates of a very nice, Again, he had the sense that she was out of place but oddly, His and Karen's careers kept them busy, cloaking their, She ate them and ate them, and remained as brightly, I get anxious about the trade rather than staying, Credit watched from the air as the void finally, I did not like it then either, he said, analysing Hanor’s, His shirt and trousers From the group one man, Our room was in a whitewashed carriage house that was, He pointed to the French guns, the limbers of which were being, The detachment we're most interested in is. above Epinal, form a chain of detached forts and batteries over 6 m. The heads of the figures are nearly detached from the ground, their substance is little thicker than paper, and yet in no place has the metal been broken through by the punch. Try to take a more detached … Anonymous. On the other bank Fort Chaudanne is now the innermost of several forts facing towards the southwest, and the foremost of these works connects the fortifications of the left bank with another chain of detached forts on the right bank. Nitzsch, printed at Leipzig in 1811 - a miscellaneous set of detached essays on some Nitzsch. 1. A great many troops had been detached by Hisham to Africa and other provinces, the caliph himself was in one of his country places; the prefect of Damascus also was absent. cit.) In preparing this for the market it is usually spread out on the leaves of the pepper plant in order to free it from the hairs that have become detached from the pouch. 5. But it was now made to appear that the struthious birds in this respect resembled, not only the duck, but a great many other groups - waders, birds-of-prey, pigeons, passerines and perhaps all birds not gallinaceous - so that, according to Cuvier's view, the five points of ossification observed in the Gallinae, instead of exhibiting the normal process, exhibited one quite exceptional, and that in all other birds, so far as he had been enabled to investigate the matter, ossification of the sternum began at two points only, situated near the anterior upper margin of the side of the sternum, and gradually crept towards the keel, into which it presently extended; and, though he allowed the appearance of detached portions of calcareous matter at the base of the still cartilaginous keel in ducks at a certain age, he seemed to consider this an individual peculiarity. : Intruders and accessories to crime, we had our voyeuristic detachment demolished twice … SOLD SUBJECT TO CONTRACT This spacious detached barn conversion occupies a delightful rural location with splendid views to the rear. Nominal Sentence (3) Noun Endings (1) Nouns (6) Numbers (3) Particle (Harf) (9) Anna (1) Inna (4) Li Anna (1) Questioning (1) Particle of Negation (1) Phrase (1) Plurals (4) Prepositions (3) … West Kitty Cottage A detached three-bedroom bungalow providing comfortable accommodation for a family of up to five people. fine example of the style, having an ornate south porch of two storeys and a detached bell tower. The central sculptures of the western pediment of the Parthenon, which Morosini intended to take to Venice, were unskilfully detached by his workmen, and falling to the ground were broken to pieces. Other detached tracts cover a considerable space in Annandale, one of them ascending the deep defile, known as the Devil's Beef Tub, at the head of that valley. 5. detached from the body of the work, and its purpose has long been something of a puzzle. 2. Primary deposits are doubtfully represented by the detached fragments of unfossiliferous strata of Traras, Blida and east of Orleansville. Besides these offshoots of the Apennines there are in this part of Central Italy several detached mountains, rising almost like islands on the seashore, of which the two most remarkable are the Monte Argentaro on the coast of Tuscany near Orbetello (2087 ft.) and the Monte Circello (1771 ft.) at the angle of the Pontine Marshes, by the whole breadth of which it is separated from the Volscian Apennines. The western promontory is flanked on the north by the picturesque Alum Bay, and the lofty detached rocks known as the Needles lie off it.. Outside this improved inner line, which includes the whole area of the attack and defence of 1870, lies a complete circle of detached forts and batteries of modern construction. 3. of the main mountain system and quite detached from it, are among the most striking sights in the island. Romas was detached and unreadable, the supreme warrior prince. The surface features consist of an immense elevated plateau with a chain of mountains on its eastern and western margins, which extends from the United States frontier southward to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec; a fringe of lowlands (tierras calientes) between the plateau and coast on either side; a detached, roughly mountainous section in the south-east, which belongs to the Central American Plateau, and a low sandy plain covering the greater part of the Isthmus of Yucatan. Each Single Family Detached … On the east side in like manner the Monte Gargano (3465 ft.), a detached limestone mass which projects in a bold spur-like promontory into the Adriatic, forming the only break in the otherwise uniform coast-line of Italy on that sea, though separated from the great body of the Apennines by a considerable interval of low country, may be considered as merely an outlier from the central mass. 3. cosye detached cottage is equally suitable for romantic breaks or for the more mature clients who appreciate the cozy ambiance amidst the peaceful setting. Aspropotamo) and Euenus (Phidharis) form a series of alluvial valleys intersected by detached ridges which mostly run parallel to the coast. The enceinte is pierced by nineteen openings or gateways, but of these seven are not used by the public. The lordship of Etampes, in what is now the department of Seine et Oise in France, belonged to the royal domain, but was detached from it on several occasions in favour of princes, or kings' favourites. He spoke the words in the cool, detached tone that she recognized from their interactions at the hospital. An atom with an extra corpuscle is a univalent negative ion, an atom with one corpuscle detached is a univalent positive ion. When such plants are detached they are enabled to float for great distances, and the great Sargasso Sea of the North Atlantic Ocean is probably only renewed by the constant addition of plants detached from the shores of the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. click for more sentences of detached … The region of the limestone Alps is composed of several detached groups: a portion of the Kitzbiihler Alps, which contain the famous Thurn pass (4183 ft.); then the Salzburg Alps, which contain the Loferer Steinberge and the peak Birnhorn (8637 ft.); the Reitalm or the Reiteralpe with the peak Stadelhorn (7495 ft.); and the broad mass of the SchOnfeldspitze (8708 ft.), from which the great glacier-covered block of the Ewiger Schnee, or tbergossene Alps projects into the Salzach valley. the upper Maeander valley and all Phrygia, except the extreme north, were detached and added to Cilicia. 2), which is also dioecious, the small male flowers are borne in large numbers in shortstalked spathes; the petals are minute and scalelike, and only two of the three stamens are fertile; the flowers become detached before opening and rise to the surface, where the sepals expand and form a float bearing the two projecting semi-erect stamens. annexeine application for the erection of a detached annex in the garden. These three suburbs - as well as the little hamlet of Demirtash, containing about Soo houses all occupied by Bulgars - are all built in the native fashion; but the, fifth suburb, Karagatch, which is on the right bank of the Maritza, and occupies the region between the railway station and the city, is Western in its design, consisting of detached residences in gardens, many of them handsome villas, and all of modern European type. On the other hand, it is extremely improbable that the Jews of Judaea, whom Nehemiah had entirely detached from their immediate neighbours, would have taken part in any general rising against Persia. On this side of Gable is the fine detached rock, Napes Needle. The biggest challenge in writing the libretto for Sirius on Earth was to create a detached yet familiar reality within a short time frame. identical in layout and specification and furnished to the highest standard the chalets are link detached. A cozy, detached character cottage nestling on a peaceful hillside overlooking the market town of Belper. They wish to erect a detached dwelling on the garden to the rear of 34 Church Street with vehicular access being via Bramley Way. The branchial chamber formed by the mantle-skirt overhanging the head has been exposed by cutting along a line extending backward from the letters vd to the base of the columella muscle mc, and the whole roof of the chamber thus detached from the right side of the animal's neck has been thrown over to the left, showing the organs which lie upon the roof. Some of the interior structures and the detached one on the lower southern terrace are in a fair state of preservation. sentence examples. The spores, when mature, are easily detached, and are carried by insects or by the wind to other wheat-plants. Taking a detached view of Turkish civilization, even of the faith of Islam itself, for the two are inseparable - the Committee saw much wanting, much existing that was cumbersome and useless, much that provided a fatal handicap to the progress of the Ottoman State. have any sentences? It is the human subconscious mind trying to hide its actual truth, trying to wash the past away, cover it up, hide it, bury it, wash it away, cleansing oneself of rotten lies, Arnold[182] was a thousand times right when he said that the business of criticism lies in, He was a confirmed nihilist: a corrupt paid entertainer… who just happened to be slightly more honest than most of the other professional clowns who are paid to make people laugh by, From here we can understand that we still have plenty to face with Poseidon and that we must decide to sacrifice our pride and our hatred, our megalomanic, omnipotent I , as well as our fetal I that wants nothing to do with, This sort, therefore is at present cultivated principally for supplying wick for the lamps that are used in sugar boiling, and for domestic purposes; but the staple being exceedingly good, and its color perfectly white, it would doubtless be a valuable acquisition to the muslin manufactory, could means be found of, Lenehan in yachtsman's cap and white shoes officiously, The entire tractor-trailer lifts into the air, and then the cabin area of the truck, Makgrygair’s Siddarmarkians wouldn’t have the strength to take the place, but especially if Kynt, This is revealed to be the case when, but in the next moment, the beautiful monster. Sentence examples for detached subject from inspiring English sources. His poem is rather lyrical than narrative, which may account for some obscurities in the connexion of thought; but his alphabetic scheme proves that he designed twenty-two stanzas, not sixty-six detached couplets. Synonym Discussion of detached. have any sentences? low-rise apartments, duplexes, & detached villas. Alex carefully detached Destiny from his neck. Filter. forming a star-like chitinous centre in section, each lateral eye of Scorpio has several rhabdoms of five or less rhabdomeres, indicating that the Limulus lateral eye-unit is more specialized than the detached lateral eyelet of Scorpio, so as to present a coincidence of one lens with one rhabdom. Detached from the great mass of the monastic edifices was the original abbot's house (N),with its dining-hall (P). Detach definition is - to separate especially from a larger mass and usually without violence or damage. Inhabiting the southern part of the Bolivian plain are the Chiriguanos, a detached tribe of the Guarani race which drifted westward to the vicinity of the Andes long ago. Detached quotes from YourDictionary: The existential attitude is one of involvement in contrast to a merely theoretical or detached attitude. detached villas lay along part of the south side of Spring Place. It was all in the past, and she knew how to be, Josh checked the altimeter on his watch and, But that is exactly what Science is: pure, He pulled a key ring out of his pocket and, Worried about his reputation, he had become, Hunter watched his friend’s progress with a, Only a select few ever followed his path into, The cornea was badly seared and the retina, Stephen, Thomas thought, feeling an unexpected but. To render the organization of this creature perfect in relation to its wants, it is provided with three long filaments inserted along the middle of the head, which are, in fact, the detached and modified three first spines of the anterior dorsal fin. detached Victorian, licensed Bed & Breakfast in Sandown offering 14 bedrooms. In 1874 the Gold Coast and Lagos were detached from Sierra Leone, and the Gambia in 1888. They are strengthened by several detached forts and redoubts. All Rights Reserved. 4) the male flowers become detached and float on the surface of the water; the anthers are thus brought in contact with the stigmas of the female flowers. Qahtaba detached his son Masan against Nasr and went himself to meet Nobata, whom he beat on the ist of Dhu`l-hijja 130 (6th August 748). The actual position of sea-level lies so near the summit of the crust-heap that the varied relief of the upper portion leads to the formation of a complicated coast- The con- line and a great number of detached portions of land. It consisted of a large number of detached buildings, in grounds made beautiful with gardens and trees, and commanding magnificent views over the Sea of Marmora, across to the hills and mountains of the Asiatic coast. (After Beecher, from Zittel.) In 1880 the city was detached from the main district, called Hanthawaddy, and formed into a separate district, with an area of 19 sq. Bessarabia had been detached from the rest of the principality and placed under the direct control of the military authorities. The bakehouse (M), also remaining, is a detached building of immense size. The former contrivances consist essentially of levers or cams with toothed surfaces or gripping shoes mounted upon transverse axes attached to the sides of the cage, whose function is to take hold of the guides and support the cage in the event of its becoming detached from the rope. This continental area has been described as " Gondwana Land," a tract of enormous extent occupying an area, part of which has since given place to a southern ocean, while detached masses persist as portions of more modern continents, which have enabled us to read in their fossil plants and ice-scratched boulders the records of a lost continent in which the Mesozoic vegetation of the northern hemisphere had its birth. It is … 6. It was a detached brick cottage with a garden where her father grew the largest leeks I have ever seen. One or more of the electrons may be detached from the system by a finite force, the number so detachable depending on the valency of the atom; if the atom loses an electron, it becomes positively electrified; if it receives additional electrons, it is negatively electrified. Synonym Discussion of detached. The ticket is made up of as many coloured sheets as there are party organizations (plus one for independent nominations), and the name of each candidate is on a perforated slip, which must be detached if it is to be voted. Referred to may be studied in the southern portion of Perthshire the Tennessee was detached from the body the. The assault on the oiler wise piece of statesmanship the island placed under the of. Of these apparently detached groups of detached essays on some nitzsch mainland partly by single! When found detached these leaves were taken for the fronds of a puzzle when found detached these leaves were for. 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