After the spawning and fertilization takes place, it is necessary to then remove the parent fish from the tank. You can only see it when they grow up (male ones tend to grow larger, and the females have round), or … Obviously, the more fish you have, the more room they will need. Within 24 hours, small larvae can begin to be visible. Males are typically a bit larger in size. They bond as they look for food, dodge predators, and search for mates. All of these levels can be easily monitored with a thermometer and a basic water testing kit. Even though the bala shark is not a shark at all, it has a large triangular-shaped dorsal fin and a torpedo-shaped body, giving it a distinctly shark-like appearance, but … This can stress out smaller fish that tend to move less. In the wild, Bala sharks migrate to special breeding ground to engage in mass spawning. There are special nets that can be placed at the very bottom of the aquarium that makes it easier to spot signs of spawning. Large tetras or minnows may work, but small fish and invertebrates will likely become shark snacks. Sharks do best when their water temperature is stabilized with an aquarium heater and between 76 to 80°F. The fry can be fed with ciliates at first. After the eggs are produced, the females will scatter them over the tank, so that the males can come and fertilize externally. It is a freshwater species, with a maximum size of 14-16", and it is commonly kept in larger aquariums. Otherwise, these fish share no other traits or behaviors with sharks found in saltwater oceans. It has to do with the size of the shark (female's are bigger) and the distance from Tail fin to the fin on it's underbelly. Since these fish are rare in their natural abodes, most of these fish are bought from fish farms. When in their natural habitat, Bala Sharks are omnivores that eat insects, larvae, algae, plant portions, and small crustaceans. There are many different types of aquarium catfish out there. She is an expert in setting up new tanks and maintaining naturally-planted freshwater habitats, and has experience raising a wide variety of aquatic species. —Preceding unsigned comment added by 05:27, 13 July 2010 (UTC) External links modified. It can be difficult to tell apart the sexes. Sexing the Bala Shark It is almost impossible to sex this species, the majority of the time there is no noticeable external differences between the two. Avoid keeping with small fish or crustaceans, which may be consumed, or with aggressive cichlids, plecos or other freshwater sharks, Yes, they’re ideal for planted communities as long as they have plenty of open areas for swimming/shoaling. That leaves plenty of room to swim and play. Join Date: Jan 2005. Although this species is called a Bala Shark, it is actually a type of minnow. In fact, they’re one of the most popular…, Clown Loaches are one of the most popular freshwater fish in the aquarium scene. You can also offer algae flakes and spirulina pellets, and they may snack on your live plants and aquarium algae as well. It’s common for people to take gender into consideration when they’re naming an animal – this is for pets or otherwise. Later, fry can be given cyclops or nauplii of artemia. Lighting is important for a Bala Shark – you should add a freshwater aquarium lamp that provides eight to nine hours of light. Smart Bala Shark care should include monitoring them for signs of common fish ailments like dropsy that causes them to swell, and ich which results in white spots on their scales. You can easily accomplish this with a solid heater. The Bala Shark is a great aquarium fish, but it does require additional consideration when it comes to keeping them. A group of 4-5 bala’s should be kept together. When alone, they are more likely to act a bit more aggressive. The bala shark, Balantiocheilos melanopterus, also known as the tricolor shark, tricolor sharkminnow, silver shark, or shark minnow, is a fish of the family Cyprinidae, and is one of the two species in the genus Balantiocheilos.This species is not a true shark, but is commonly so called because of its torpedo-shaped body and large fins. Share your thoughts on these silver shark-like carp in the comments below, or jump into our online community via social media! They are not particularly vulnerable to any disease, but are sensitive to water parameters; another reason for maintaining nice and clean water in the aquarium; Bala shark is sensitive to water so regular partial changes in the water are necessary. Since these fish prefer plants and other objects to hide in, it is better to place these along the sides of the aquarium to leave enough room for movement elsewhere. Fish owners should also be aware that these relatively frisky fish tend to move around and swim for hours. There are some larger fish species that tend to be predators (like cichlids). This is why having a lid on your tank is a smart idea. We can find its gender-based on body size. Bala sharks are large fish that are typically sold when they are young and around 4 inches or 10 cm in length. The Bala Shark (Balantiocheilus melanopterus) is a member of the Cyprinidae family and is found in fast flowing rivers across Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Sumatra and Kalimantan.They’re also commonly known as Silver Bala, Silver Shark, Tricolor Shark and Tri Color Minnows. There are some species of smaller fish that should be avoided as tankmates as well. You should maintain a temperature of about 77 degrees Fahrenheit. If you want to get in touch we encourage you to do so via our contact page. Bala sharks are open water swimmers and will keep the tank very active. Because Bala Sharks can grow to a large size, it is essential to give them plenty of protein in their diet to keep them growing strong. Determining the gender of neon tetras is crucial, if you want to breed them. Habitat is in the Mekong and Chao Phraya river basins, on Malaysian peninsula, Kalimantan and Sumatra islands. This could lead to further digestive problems that can make the fish more vulnerable to the common fish diseases and ailments usually seen. Origin. Sexing Neon Tetras. In awhile, 30 to 50 percent of the water should be renewed carefully. The fish is native to South-East Asia. This is when they are around 4 months old. how to tell from bala shark male or female. When in captivity, the Bala Sharks only becomes able to reproduce when they are at least 3 years of age and at least 5 inches, or 13 cm, long. Fish will grow into their tanks, if they are in a relatively smaller tank, they will be a relatively smaller Shark. Since they don’t do well on their own, you’ll need a large tank to accommodate a group. Size: In their natural habitat the bala shark measure up to 40cm in length, but the specimens that are in aquariums seldom exceed 20cm due to the limitations of the space. of 300 gals + to grow to their full potential. When you buy via the links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. Bala Sharks can be somewhat vulnerable if their tank water becomes dirty or when the tank water level lowers. Any ideas? Nano fish or invertebrates like Neon Tetras, freshwater shrimp or snails. I was wondering how to tell the gender of Bala Sharks. In this article I will show you the easiest way to disguise male and female neon tetra fish. Learn how your comment data is processed. The best feeding regime depends on the age of your sharks: The best tank mates for a group of Bala Sharks are fish close in size and with a similar peaceful or semi-aggressive nature. It also means that the care level is quite manageable. Moreover, you cannot easily tell the gender of the Bala Shark. Avoid keeping your sharks with: If you’d like to breed your sharks, you’ll need to do a lot of advanced planning and preparation, so I don’t recommend novice shark keepers attempt a breeding set-up: While sharks may produce eggs in your community tank, it’s unlikely the eggs will be fertile. While they resemble the marine predators they’re named after, Bala Sharks are actually members of the Cyprinidae or carp family and are closely related to goldfish, minnows and koi. A Bala Shark is a freshwater tropical fish breed that is popularly kept by hobby fish keepers. Tankarium is reader-supported. Incidentally, you should keep your Bala in a group of Balas with a least six Balas in the group. Monitoring this helps to ensure that they are getting the right food portions. This is measured in dGH (degrees of general hardness) and the window you’re aiming for is somewhere between 10 and 13. It is quite small in size and is actually very popular as a pet. Most fish experts recommend that about 25 to 35 percent of the tank water be renewed each week to keep them healthy, comfortable and happy in their environment. A Bala shark will become sexually mature when it is between 10 and 15 cm long The new Bala Sharks can grow at different speeds. Since these fish are rare in their natural abodes, most of these fish are bought from fish farms. These tend to be very active, and they make great home aquarium fish as they are interesting to watch. what is monthly growth rate. Jen has more than 30 years experience as a biologist, aquarist, and fishkeeper. Male Shark Names. Making this a habit will help you provide better care for your Bala Sharks, and prevent you from having to deal with unwanted surprises. Sadly, bala shark has become extinct in lots of its natural habitats. You’ll probably want to invest in a high-quality gravel vacuum/hose system, since you’ll be removing and replacing hundreds of gallons of water a year. While sharks can be shy and prone to hiding at first, groups quickly acclimate as they play and socialize. The safe range for this is somewhere between 6.5 and 8 pH. So i have a few balas but i want to know if u guys know how to tell one from boy to girl. This should be a small amount that takes the fish roughly 2 to 3 minutes to eat. Oscars with Balck Shark & Bala Sharks. It is crucial to give the fish enough space and room to swim during this process. The actual aquarium used when the spawning process happens needs to be at least 65 gallons, and the temperature should be kept at 77 degrees for the ideal breeding environment. The tank should have plenty of plants and drift wood, while the temperature should be kept between 72 to 82 °F. It is a fish th… We hope that after reading this post you’ll have a better understanding of the fish in general, and the kind of care that you’ll need to provide. Gender of Bala Shark? Bala Shark, Silver Shark - Balantiocheilos melanopterus. Updated May 13, 2020 Author: Mike - FishLore Admin Social Media: The Bala Shark is also known as the Silver Shark and is a growing favorite among tropical fish hobbyists. What are good tank mates for Bala Sharks? Many fish owners also like to add a bit of finely diced spinach and/or fruits as well. Bala Sharks get their name from their visual similarity to the predatory sharks that roam the ocean. Fish owners should also be aware that fish kept in captivity will not typically reproduce or breed. With ich, fish owners might begin to notice that the fish rub up against objects due to the itching. Hardness is not quite as important to the Bala Shark, but consistency is key -try to keep water temperatures even and steady at about 10-13 dGH. Lighting is important for a Bala Shark – you should add a freshwater aquarium lamp that provides eight to nine hours of light. The bala shark, Balantiocheilos melanopterus, also known as the tricolor shark, tricolor sharkminnow, silver shark, or shark minnow, is a fish of the family Cyprinidae, and is one of the two species in the genus Balantiocheilos.This species is not a true shark, but is commonly so called because of its torpedo-shaped body and large fins. Like we mentioned above, there are certain water conditions that you’ll need to provide if you want your Bala Shark to thrive and live a long and healthy life. The bala shark’s scientific name is Balantiocheilos melanopterus. They can live for up to a decade in captivity with proper care: It’s not easy to distinguish individuals by gender, but males are a bit leaner and larger, while female fish have a rounded appearance. It might become necessary to move some to other tanks to ensure enough room for growth and movement. This fish isn't a shark at all though. Anything outside of that can cause serious health complications Bala Shark. It is recommended that Bala Sharks be given a good quality dry fish food like pellets or flakes as their main food source. This fish is commonly called ‘Hangus Ekor’ (hung-oos-a-co) in Malaysia, which is its country of origin as well. When it comes to freshwater sharks, few make the dramatic impact that a group of Bala Sharks (Balantiocheilus melanopterus) can bring to your community aquarium. The Bala shark does not even reach sexual maturity until it is around four inches (10 or 15 cm) in size, so Bala shark breeding can be difficult for the average aquarium enthusiast. However, this is not absolutely necessary, and many fish owners simply leave the bottom floor area clear for better viewing. Silver sharks do best when their water temperature is at 77°F. These fish do not need special foods or supplements, and fish owners should simply strive to feed them a balanced diet for continued good health. Its other names include tricolor shark, tricolor shark minnow, shark minnow, and silver shark. Some aquarists decide they would rather go with something that doesn’t need such a large tank, and others get hooked on the idea of owning a Bala Shark right from the get-go. Updated May 13, 2020 Author: Mike - FishLore Admin Social Media: The Bala Shark is also known as the Silver Shark and is a growing favorite among tropical fish hobbyists. A Bala shark will become sexually mature when it is between 10 and 15 cm long I give sharks a high-quality commercial omnivore flake or pellets diet, with a variety of treats like live/frozen/dried brine shrimp, bloodworms, insect larvae, Daphnia or shrimp eggs. This fish was about 3" long and swimming in one of our aquariums, when one of us snapped this picture. These fish tend to remain healthy, but fish owners should be sure to keep their aquariums clean and the water level and temperature stable for best results. Also known as the Silver Shark or Tricolor Shark Minnow, these fish are native to Southeast Asia: Bala Sharks are big fish that typically measure 10 to 14-inches in length at maturity. Prices and download plans . Although their name indicates a similarity to sharks, considered to be aggressive predators, these peaceful freshwater sharks get their name due to the similar body shape and higher, triangular-shaped dorsal fin. Here’s a breakdown of everything you need to know to build the ideal Bala Shark Tank! However, the Bala is a freshwater fish that has no relation to the shark, despite similar physical characteristics. Some great tank mates for Bala Sharks are: However, there is the chance that the Bala Shark will eat smaller fish when they become larger, so the tank should always be roomy enough for all. These include neon tetra, guppies, harlequin rasbora and other smaller fish types. Bala Sharks can grow up to 14 inches long full grown, although, their tank size plays a big role in their growth and development. If you are interested in breeding your Bala sharks, you may want to learn the basics about breeding requirements for this species first. They do not guard their eggs or fry. A member of the Cyprinidae family of fish species, they (Balantiocheilus melanopterus) prefer fast-flowing rivers and streams in the Southeastern Asia countries of Sumatra, Kalimantan, Cambodia, Malaysia, and Thailand. A larger predator could nip or become aggressive towards them. After this happens, it is usually recommended that the tanks air/water filtration system be switched to a single sponge type filter that is placed internally to keep the small fry from being sucked in.