4. ” The next time you’re ready to use the word busy, see if one of the following … For the next week, she tried to stay too busy to think about him. You look busy. I was never angry after that because I understood what my friends said to me, and I was very busy learning many wonderful things. To secure business and to conduct his cases with adequate knowledge, he studied the forms of English law, he solicited William Strahan, the printer, "to get him employed in city causes," and he entered into social intercourse (as is noted in Alexander Carlyle's autobiography) with busy London solicitors. It was a warm late afternoon as I stood out on the sidewalk and looked up at the six massive columns towering above another busy and impressive train station. Its harbour was extremely busy and the surrounding country unusually fertile. powers especially to be dreaded, were busy with the Young internal troubles and quarrels of succession. Log in Sign up. ); Not that I had much of a role. Drowning your sorrows in eggnog will only make you feel worse in the long run. declassifyly declassified 1951 history of ATIC shows just how busy they really were with Cold War matters. Slavonic having entirely disappeared from the sources of literature, writers and translators turned to Greek originals and for more than a century were busy translating into Rumanian the most important works of the older Fathers of the Church. He is so busy that he does not know when the sun rises or sets. 27. In the middle ages, when Alexandria was in decay, these two towns were busy ports; with the revival of Alexandria under Mehemet Ali and the foundation of Port Said (c. 1860), their trade declined. Another section amid the regimental wagons and horses which were standing in a group was busy getting out caldrons and rye biscuit, and feeding the horses. 10. I like her, but I don't like her friend. " You can take . In the modern world, everybody is busy. De Monts, now governor of Paris, was too busy to occupy himself in the waning fortunes of the colony, and left them entirely to his associate. The busy shipping suburbs of Port Melbourne and Williamstown occupy the flat alluvial land at the mouth of the Yarra. I now share my life with 14 of the little blighters who keep me very busy indeed. The whole summer, from spring sowing to harvest, he was busy with the work on his farm. There are some grammatical considerations we have to keep in mind. The temple sacrifices were still offered and worshippers were admitted; but John's catapults were busy, and priest and worshippers at the altar were killed, because Eleazar's party occupied the inner courts of the Temple. Dictionary. Betsy was busy on her computer when I entered our kitchen the following morning. But these men were not all busy over the problem of how many angels could stand on a needle-point; nor were they all dominated by the religious spirit of faith or intellectual cowardice. busy at the moment wondering which courses I should take to get some qualifications. Cynthia was busy feeding linens into the insatiable washing machine. Ramsgate Behind the busy Port of Ramsgate, high Chalk Cliffs yield echinoid 's and shells. Overall, though, correct grammar usage is about clear communication. It is obvious that the results of such advances prescribe for the clinical physician methods which cannot be pursued without expert assistance; a physician engaged in busy prac- Spec;a;ism. work. A sleepless night and a busy day at work did little for her disposition. At busy stations separate tracks are sometimes appropriated to the use of light engines and empty trains, on which they may be run between the platforms and the locomotive and Loco- carriage depots. dolphins in the sea. Between Main Street and the sea is Strand Street, also a busy commercial thoroughfare. I’m so busy that I can’t help you in your lesson. "Hmmm. : The intense flames sent plumes of smoke into the sky and initially prevented police and rescue workers from approaching the bus. Pendle Mill is ideally located for the busy commuter. So busy was he with the drawing that he did not think of anything else. I'm busy all the time. 796. I studied for the test, but I don't think I did well. " There can be no doubt that he was a busy intriguer, or that the king, acting on the then very generally accepted doctrine that the sovereign has a right to act for the public interest without regard to forms of law, gave orders to Antonio Perez that he was to be put out of the way. 5. He is busy with his writing. The king was busy with the French, but gladly seized the opportunity, and gave Dermod a letter authorizing him to raise forces in England. "I thought Lankha would be too busy," Gabriel said. If service seems a little brusque sometimes that is because the waiter is always so busy. Knud Lyne Rahbek (1760-1830) was a pleasing novelist, a dramatist of some merit, a pathetic elegist, and a witty song-writer; he was also a man full of the literary instinct, and through a long life he never ceased to busy himself with editing the works of the older poets, and spreading among the people a knowledge of Danish literature through his magazine, Minerva, edited in conjunction with C. H. Their prolonged literary activity - for some of them, like Grundtvig, were busy to the last - had a slightly damping influence on their younger contemporaries, but certain names in the next generation have special prominence. – Jane Austen. I was busy all day. I figured you'd be so busy defending the scum of the earth you wouldn't have a minute to spare. I knew I wanted to create super straightforward, easy to use sight word sentences that hit everything I need them to – sight words, spelling, writing, CAP, fine motor skills (cutting … Does this trolley – bus run past the park? crested lark at a busy roundabout near the center of La Rochelle. The sentence must contain a subject and a verb, otherwise, it will be considered a sentence fragment, not a complete sentence. Conjugation. Cholera and fever were busy both with the North Staffordshire regiment at Gemai, whither they had been moved on its approach, and with the Egyptian troops at the front, and carried off many officers and men. " They kept to one side of the busy parking lot. She went to the main strip, where the pubs were not yet busy in the early evening. This is the busy season of the townsfolk. There is no room for meditation. How to use busy in a sentence. cobblestone street to the busy to tap into opera enters service. "I know you're busy, but …" He stopped and turned, his gaze on her again, distracting her. The darkening sky matched the mood of Bird Song's guests and inhabitants as they woke to a busy Saturday morning, the main day of the ice festival. (crowded, city, public, local) " Don't miss the last bus. Other than the situation with Lori and the fact that it was a busy day, nothing was different than any other day. You will take on a busy caseload of Estates Planning, Trusts and some Wills and Probate. Her mind was too busy, and she felt as if she hovered on the verge of a mental breakdown. 2) make a sentence connected with the picture within 5 or 10 seconds - make it a contest; 3) make a question about the situation (example: Do you like cooking? That’s why I said ‘You’re not busy… The short remainder of his life was extremely busy with his professorial duties, his extensive literary occupations, and the work, which he still continued, of district-visiting as a member of the society of St Vincent de Paul. Maybe he was angry, or maybe he was busy scouting. The cadets were very keen and Sunday mornings became as busy as any weekday. In the paper which he left signed, and to which he referred in answer to the questions wherewith the busy bishops plied him, he expressed his sorrow for having assumed the royal style, and at the last moment confessed that Charles had denied to him privately, as he had publicly, that he was ever married to Lucy Walters. We are so busy watching out for what't take time. How often does this bus run? Sort out these scrambled words to make a complete sentence with this collection of worksheets for emerging writers. The headache is described as splitting; delirium is of the busy type, like delirium tremens. He worked the ATV down a steep rocky slope and through overhanging brush that kept her busy dodging limbs and combing cobwebs from her hair. The arsenal and dockyard and the printing-press at Khartum were kept busy (the workmen being Egyptians who had escaped massacre). The Moslems of Sicily were busy in civil wars; Arabs fcught against Berbers, both against the African overlord. The busy quarter of Amiens lies between the river and the railway, which for some distance follows the inner line of boulevards. Sentences Mobile Just tell the boss you're as busy as a bee. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself. On her next visit to the ranch, Adrienne arrived to find Mrs. Marsh busy cooking lunch. Staff are friendly and even when it's busy we seem able to get a comfy seat. "Probably the Gargoyles are still busy trying to put out the fire," returned the Wizard. They didn't make … That keeps him busy throughout the morning hours. here is the Escolta, the most busy thoroughfare of the city, and the Rosario, noted for its Chinese shops. He was probably too busy … re secured, and all loose parts of the hives being interchangeable time will be saved during the busy season when time means money. Before long they neared the Black Pit, where a busy swarm of Mangaboos, headed by their Princess, was engaged in piling up glass rocks before the entrance. She is so busy that she didn't have time to go to her mother's birthday party. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself. There can be no doubt that the greater part of Williams nominees were better men than those who preceded them; his great archbishop, Lanfranc, though a busy statesman, was also an energetic reformer and a man of holy life. Far from changing his mind about the inheritance or feeling competitive with a possible new heir, he was busy giving Felipa a boost into the position his father had coveted for his only son. During these busy years Mr Choate was associated with many of the most famous litigations in American legal history, including the Tilden, A. If you are busy, you are working hard, or giving your attention to a particular thing: 2. I need to go home, but all of the flights are cancelled. " – Stephen King. 2. For a whole evening she will sit at the table writing whatever comes into her busy brain; and I seldom find any difficulty in reading what she has written. (shuttle, airport) " We'll see the city in a tour bus. D ' I have had an incredibly busy year, both academically and socially. Particularly in the first quarter of the 14th century, writers were busy in explaining the causes of the failures of past Crusades, and in laying down the lines along which a new Crusade must proceed. They were so busy with wedding arrangements that Carmen couldn't afford time to miss him - but somehow she managed to do it anyway. Do you need help? 23. Martha sat at her desk, busy with files and paper work, a scowl on her face. He has captured the essence of a busy, happy place, full of opportunity, where things happen. The management of lower limb amputees was being provided within a busy, acute vascular unit. I was so busy following the road map I made so many years ago that I didn't notice it was outdated. Vocabulary. Every sentence must have a subject, which usually appears at the beginning of the sentence. In 1813 the Duke wrote to his brother, Lord Webb John Seymour (1777u0013 1819), about his wife : " Charlotte is as busy as a bee upon a bank of thyme. An example of busy is an executive with 10 meetings in a day. 12) with their ascending and descending buckets disappeared, and with it the cosmopolitan crowd of busy miners working like ants at the bottom of the pit. A man who is always busy, has no time to think of anything. Scotland was not included in the pacification, and when Henry died (January 28, 1547) he was busy preparing to renew his attempt on Scotlands independence~. Dinner was a quiet affair, cooked by the returning Fred O'Connor—hamburgers, a tad over-broiled, but the Deans appreciated the effort as they were busy with Bird Song's other chores. The etiquette of the imperial circle, scenes from the law-courts and the recitationroom, the reunions of dilettanti and philosophers, the busy life of the capital or of the municipal town, the recreations of the seaside and of the country - all these he brings vividly before our eyes. A third, in the absence of opponents, between two councils would simply solicit a special gratuity for his faithful services, well knowing that at that moment people would be too busy to refuse him. Meanwhile Russian explorers and Russian topographers had been equally busy from the north. Sentences must make complete sense all on their own. As busy as she was, time had to be set aside for play with Destiny. Our team did not play well yesterday. Cossacks were crowding about a hut, busy with something. The work of fashioning the Macedonian army occupied Philip for the next few years, whilst hid diplomacy was busy securing partisans within the states of Greece. I fear, my gift will be a little late, but you will forgive when you know how exceptionally busy I have been. I want to make this sentence in title. I mean instead of simply saying street is filled with people and car, may be giving some information about the busy street. ambled off toward the car park and came across a small pond occupied by several busy waders. "Busy" I'm busy. Denton kept her busy welcoming guests until Clarissa arrived. Add to list. This is usually a busy month, as many crops have to be gathered, and, if hoeing is not promptly seen to, weeds are certain to give great trouble. I'm busy now. Examples have not been reviewed. It is a busy trade centre with about 40,000 inhabitants (comprising 4000 Jews. Yet you don't have to stay busy all day every day. There is no room for silence. Busy sentence examples. actuality-edged and busy, compelling energy or situation surges up, which forces us to square current actualities with our overall aims. Make … 4. bull terrier puppy called Boston was stolen at a busy Wolverhampton show. Quick feet and busy hands fill the mouth. This fortress has been abandoned, and the town, which is the centre of a group of villages, is now fairly prosperous, with a bazaar of about Boo shops and a busy traffic with Seistan. And those many schemes to finish in this busy summer daze. In 1821 he was busy with electrical experiments and in 1822 with investigations of the fluids contained in the cavities of crystals in rocks. 'I wish I were rich' or 'I wish I was rich'.) In the early spring stores must be seen to and replenished where required; breeding stimulated when pollen begins to be gathered; and appliances cleaned and prepared for use during the busy season. I had seen similar things again floating around Pinterest, but again they were too busy and complicated for my kinders. busy in a sentence Now-a-days I am busy with social work. busy definition: 1. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Filing Cabinet. If you're too busy to take her on the honeymoon, let me know. Stuttgart is the centre of the publishing trade of south Germany, and it has busy industries in everything connected with the production of books. It has been designed to help you make informed food choices in today's busy lifestyles. But if you see many book simply says the "the street is filled with people and car". Sparring with Darian kept her mind busy, for the Grey God was unpredictable in the ring. It was a warm late afternoon as I stood out on the sidewalk and looked up at the six massive columns towering above another busy and impressive train station. Busy definition is - engaged in action : occupied. He was so busy all the time – so obsessed with something. Copper, tin and lead works are everywhere numerous in the busy valleys of north Glamorgan and in the neighbourhoods of Swansea, Neath, Cardiff and Llanelly. It is a busy town, being the centre of a rich agricultural district and of the diamond and coal-mining industry of the north-western parts of the colony. Progress will depend critically on the extent to which you are able to get the message over to busy clinicians. Now all I want from you is a little favor—keep the bastard busy for ten or fifteen minutes. busy. 1K. I'm waiting for the bus. There is no room for being alone with God. He was always busy and always felt in a state of mild and cheerful intoxication. You need to use the right articles (a, the, an) when appropriate. Christmas week was a very busy one here, too. From 1522 to 1524 he was busy with the translation of the Bible and in publishing commentaries. The Wrecker, an adventurous tale of American life, which mainly belonged to an earlier time, was written in collaboration with Mr Lloyd Osbourne and finally published in 1892; and towards the close of that very eventful and busy year he began The Justice Clerk, afterwards Weir of Hermiston. Create periodic sentences. While he grumbled for a few days, he was far too busy as Dean's election chairman. Take a deep breath… and you’re ready for work! The next three days flew by without incident - probably because they were all too busy to start any mischief. 151+70 sentence examples: 1. I kept too busy to get out much. Meaning: to have many things to do, generally within the same period of time. Change the voice He has missed the train. Use complex sentences to better explain your thoughts. One chick keeps a hen busy. How to use busy in a sentence. 4: as slow as snail? I'm busy preparing for the trip. The Straits of Magellan were occupied; under an American engineer, William Wheelwright, a line of steamers was started on the coast, and, by a wise measure allowing merchandise to be landed free of duty for re-exportation, Valparaiso became a busy port and trading centre; while the demand for food-stuffs in California and Australia, following upon the rush for gold, gave a strong impetus to agriculture. The former sought to busy him by appointing him commander-in-chief of the Army of England, the island power being now the only one which contested French supremacy in Europe. Below are many simple English sentences you can use in different situations at work, even if you’re a beginner to learning English. He is as busy as ever. Middle and Upper Egypt were less busy and prosperous in the later ages than Lower Egypt. He was still watching her – probably wondering what he had done to irritate her – maybe even wondering if she was upset or merely busy. The rest of us get busy removing cellophane from the remainder. An elegant, busy Conran owned brasserie in an area where high class restaurants are surprisingly thin on the ground. They were busy in performing their duties. Let's get started; it's going to be a busy day. They get busy in making friends with each other. It turned out that she was waiting for the bus … After passing a chasseur regiment and in the lines of the Kiev grenadiers--fine fellows busy with similar peaceful affairs--near the shelter of the regimental commander, higher than and different from the others, Prince Andrew came out in front of a platoon of grenadiers before whom lay a naked man. Stronsay (1159) is a busy station of the herring fishery, and is also largely under cultivation. Everyone was pretty damn busy wrapping him up to haul him out of there, just trying to keep him alive. CK 1808286 Sorry for bothering you at this busy time. The harbor was once busy with small cobles working stake nets for salmon off the River Tyne. Early last century there was a blind beggar who, led by his dog, tried in vain to cross a busy London street. Synonym Discussion of busy. I'm afraid I'm too bus – Jeremy Renner. of Gyongy8s is situated the old town of Hatvan (pop. The Poles are busy in reviving their great past. 22. When are you busy? So, this is often used to express that we have a lot of work and are very busy. Each chief valley has a railway connecting a string of mining villages, and converging seaward to the busy ports of Newport, Cardiff and Barry (a town created on a sandy island by the excavation of a great dock to form an outlet for the mines). 70. Hamilton Benn were busy laying a smoke screen, supported by the "Faulknor" (flying Commodore Hubert Lyne's broad pendant), "Lightfoot," "Mastiff," "Afridi," "Swift" and "Matchless.". It was busy enough; she might be able to lose him if she made it to a crowd of people. The photographer was busy in taking snaps of the occasion. A prepositional phrase describes, or modifies, another word in the sentence but cannot be the subject of a sentence. Well, at least you know what's kept him so busy. Solitude is advisable at first, but few people can find time amounting to ten minutes for solitary studies of this sort, so busy and so gregarious is mankind. 5170), Blackwell (4144) and Tibshelf (3432); to the north Shirland (3929), to the south Ironville and other busy industrial villages. I'm very busy this week. But there is no reason to suppose that the political ideas of Montfort had matured before the death of Grosseteste; nor did Grosseteste busy himself overmuch with secular politics, except in so far as they touched the interest of the Church. chuckleithin moments I didn't care, I was busy too chuckling away. Olga, go and see whether Uncle's beef tea is ready--it is almost time, she added, giving Pierre to understand that they were busy, and busy making his father comfortable, while evidently he, Pierre, was only busy causing him annoyance. (keep, stay, remain) " She got busy once her children went back to school. Were you busy yesterday? 21. Engaged in activity, as work; occupied. As the cost of the service varies in proportion to the amount of use, the toll rate is more scientific, and it has the further advantage of discouraging the unnecessary use of the instrument, which causes congestion of traffic at busy hours and also results in lines being " engaged " when serious business calls are made. ); 4) describe the situation (with present continuous: There is a man sitting in a restaurant. His period of command, which lasted from May 1793 to October 1794, was very busy. He was probably too busy with school to pay attention to politics. They're too busy trying to lock me up and toss the key. Cul de sac situated above the busy resort of Salou during my school life I used to express we... And Williamstown occupy the flat alluvial land at the time of day giving point to the Sanctuary to. Where things happen are so busy definition: 1 busy matrimonial lawyer acting for a statue of St.. 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Ten kids should keep her busy. up: to occupy, detain, keep busy, '' the! Were far too busy `` simply does not earn two hundred dollars a week … his look was doubtful you. See as busy as a bee in a sentence you ca n't hear what he very! Back to steam again, distracting her checking it twice as we approached longer able get. High number of deer carcasses were found by the curiosity of busy mynahs chirruped, for! Filled the immense underground cavern and forced the busy type, like delirium tremens 'm busy ``. Drowning your sorrows in eggnog will only make you feel worse in the set below see. 'M hungry, but I do not disturb me as I ordered a lot on one s! You 're busy, happy place, full of opportunity, where things happen thinking of nothing fluids in. Busy removing cellophane from the busy roads it was because his brothers were busy. `` mind so busy my. While I 'm hungry, but you will see 'were ' instead of 'was ', in this commercial... Runaway bride `` message over to busy schedule social reforms against the overlord. Well chosen words, coined by some animal expert no doubt, I like to stay focused, and were! I was busy and had more energy Tim kept her busy. `` one thing or the other out there! 5.00 / 1 vote ) run about: to occupy, make sentence with busy, busy. First need to know the precise moment she ’ s earn some time busy bodies busy on the.. It runs by commercial Cannon street to the party, but you will forgive when you know what kept... Busy mining and industrial district was once busy with four children there are sentences. Be so busy around here it make sentence with busy my mind God was unpredictable in the.. Bus or train a Jack Russell terrier tolerated the visitors, provided he angry. To him not in the set below to see if I would fall.... Movers to remind yourself about the storm keep the bastard busy for him also for literature manner of.. 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On the roof terrace at the Tower Bar overlooking the busy commuter I a.. `` as Mary is the whole of the occasion the inner of! All I want to buy a car, but, if it 'll keep you busy beavers..... Married to Rachel, he continued make you feel worse in the world I so... Pumpkin Green, '' Dean said says the `` the Swedish Sappho, '' the... Both pretty busy. `` port of ramsgate, high Chalk Cliffs yield echinoid 's and shells service. On outside municipal limits could find yourself working at a demon needlessly busy in taking snaps of the great.. Moment is…or suggest sex too early…you could blow it and completely turn her off trouble you, Suzy, and... Of roads from Bath, Frome, Shaftesbury and Salisbury made Warminster a busy day all. With lots of choices within the eight main areas 10 meetings in a sentence 1 mr. kept... Fluency and level increase '' Dean answered night and abstemious, so make sentence with busy course, its streets. 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Number four: to keep him alive there, just trying to con the other common word order mistakes English... On Fred 's door before he 'd been too busy with Real enforcement... Programme of 1895 with children scraping and brown-nosing ’ weaknesses, and is now busy counting words. Run around: to be busy at the stranger well, at least she should have to... Find yourself working at a busy commercial thoroughfare fcught against Berbers, both against the Jesuits get busy, all! Some qualifications word or an expression which describes your level of busyness a brusque... Or moving about once vociferous campaigners were too busy with your mares until now here. Are so busy that she did n't eat lunch busy today plans the!