Talia: Another healer that couples self-heal, DoTs and mediocre hits. My power is ~16,000, and I can beat some teams that are way stronger than mine. save. You MUST MUST MUST have a healer and the best choice in this regard is Old Daka. Poe: What this guy provides is the same regardless of the team but his turn meter removal when combined with Phasma’s AoE+turn meter gain allow for deadly combinations. With fracture, isolate, pain forcing taunt, stun, mass daze and cooldown increase, there is an enormous amount of disruption, and they are all top quality characters. And, facing the same team in arena will generally lead to a draw because neither side can really kill Enfys unless you tread very carefully. If you're that deep make it CLS lead and go -rex + r2 since she gets the cleanse on crits. when spending real money who or what should i spend it on? Last update: Nov. 19th 2020 LOADS of new entries added directly from top player's GAC history! Qi’ra: Qi’ra, L3-37, Vandor Chewbacca, Young Lando Calrissian, Enfys Nest. 7 star Lumi Below is a farming roadmap that can be used to see all of the Legendary/Journey/Epic characters, what they require and where they can be farmed. Best Teams for Vader Rework? oppress You appear to know a lot more about the game than me as a newbie. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Grand off,not impressed,but okay,good support,gl 5 and almost 2300 damage at 43.dont think its possible to farm him. Ahsoka: Your last piece of the puzzle, highest crit rating in the game, self-heal and crit-based heal as well. This website has a collection of useful tools and resources for people playing Star Wars™ Galaxy of Heroes (SWGOH). In order to beat Nest, the other 4 enemies need to be strong enough, that you can spread hits among the other enemy team members. More importantly, her specials grant advantage and inflict speed down on enemy teams giving healers or other support characters a chance to keep Maul up or soften the teams up for him. FOTP: Huge damage and simply that, has high HP when 7-starred so doesn’t require that much protection. Next step, Modding Enfys Nest. Poe: This guy’s explanation is given above but his turn-meter removal and expose debuff work wonders in AoE teams. Types Of Feats. Nightsister Initiate: One of the tankiest characters in the game that also has huge damage on her special, she brings DPS to the team. 44 comments. 7 star Phasma 5 star Phasma This team allows you to heal completely before finishing a fight in galactic wars so every fight is like a new one. This guy is a must-have for ANY Jedi team and must be in leader spot. Leia: Now she doesn’t have an AoE, but who needs one when you’re jsut a better Poggle, a must have in any AoE team. No mention of Yoda, Windu, or Plo Koon? Phasma: Lead position, the extra attacks substantially increase the stun chance hence is perfect for the team. I think it would be better to put HK-47 at Leader, and then take out Geo Soldier, Been building a team: Try this team if you have the characters and you can destroy those pesky FOTP/Leia teams. Anakin or ima-gundi, QGJ, AT, Daka & lumi. Talia We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Details: Enfys Nest (solo) excels against teams that have a high attack rate but low power output. Identifying my best "Speed" set versus my best mismatched mods set. Born during the twilight years of the Galactic Republic around 28 BBY into a family whose women fought to protect the galaxy for many generations, Enfys Nest was the daughter of a woman who led the Cloud-Riders, a band of pirates who sought reprisal against the Galactic Empire and criminal syndicates that terrorized the galaxy. You Ashoka is not a nightsister. This is not an Enfys Nest is OP. Chirpa, Logray, Wicket has been one of my best teams on defence. Enfys Nest is known across the galaxy as one of the most dangerous marauders alive, as … 4 star talia If you want to use acronyms, define the acronym and don’t just assume your reader is as big of a nerd as you are. Anakin: He has healing immunity but that’s about it, his AoE doesn’t do that much damage and requires a kill for the buff, his self-buff on ally death however is good but not potent enough to warrant a place. If anybody has any suggestions of people who work well with Maul please comment. Counter teams against: There's no real counter to it, especially under traya lead, Edit: even Talzin instead of thrawn to really pressure them, Jrey bb8 r2 gk and nest os good appatently. Juggle the taunts while healing extremely useful amounts of health to sustain yourself. 7 star Sidious I’ve witnessed him take out a full team on his own, and I avoid going against him in the Arena – I’m still farming for him. She has a high counter chance and ignores taunts. In GW I rarely lose a guy, even if the opposing team is 10+ levels higher than me. I am level 50 as of current and with luminara leader I can beat lv 57+ in the galactic wars section and maybe lose 1 person so I can continue and finish the whole board for lots of luminara shards. Rebel Teams: Only one more character to mention here. 6 star Jedi Consular Arena Rating: Based on role, speed, damage, survival, and utility ratings, depicts relative unsynergized strength of a hero on a relative scale.. Stun Teams: These teams are not really used and can be considered a niche pick however has potential. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes by Electronic Arts. http://www.swgohcantina.com/ This is a wiki containing all the information you seek. I've been running the same rec team for a while and I'm looking to switch it up a little. Ahsoka, This team would be really strong in arena, I’m not top in PvP and I’m f2p, but I found this team works really well. These are the characters you should invest in, that means: promote them with shards and equip the best items. Don’t use him with Phasma as he does not complement the team composition. But only once. However, the correct juggle of taunts and heals wrecked me once before. With the new Vader rework, I'm curious what his best viability is, particularly in terms of GA offence and defense teams. Chewbacca/royal guard/sidious/talia/luminara. IG-88: Only useful when paired with DoT-based AoEs. I’ve been farming him since then, and he synergies well with phasma. A solid choice for any AoE team. Title is pretty self explanatory. swgoh best bounty hunter team 2021. I started playing in Dec 2018 and am at 1. Regarding the Jedi team: it seems a little weird that your recommended setup contains 2, maybe 3 jedi, which kind of nerfs QGJ as leader. I got a 5 Jedi team It's not just picking the biggest +speed values. bring a dazer like logray (who can do 24/7 dazes) and it should make it much easier. 5 star Finn Grand Master Yoda HK-47: Don’t use it without droids, period. Question. however since most of the player base already has Dooku we’ll be including him. Very good lists, but I have one change. Also seems op! It gives speed (15%) and ‘Offense Up’ to all the droids for 3 turns, increasing their damage output by a lot. Rest hv own counter skill these guys work great with phasma as lead as well. I’m sorry it’ll take an extra ten minutes to add a glossary of terms, but there’s simply too much ‘inferred to be understood without any reference’ shorthand that is confusing to a lot of people. Fives: Works similar to a Dooku in offensive capabilities, one of the tankiest characters in the game makes sure that he is most of the time the last man standing even when you’re losing. Seth koth gl 4 July 31, 2020 1:37PM I was in the hSTR earlier, 1.44% remained on Traya and all I had left from an offensive team was Enfys Nest. Perhaps you didn’t mention him for same reasons as FOTP, but You get him at the beginning of the game. Download Galaxy of Heroes today for free. Daka: Healer of the Nightsisters, she gains incredible speed with Asajj leading hence increasing her stun chance also has a heal and revive. Enemy team Counter team Win ratio Poggle: Buffing your whole AoE damage? Phasma Teams: FOTP: Sole addition to a Phasma team, he occupies the DPS spot and is possibly the best at that. The +10% bonus on a speed set will give her +15 speed. I picked this team for massive AoE Damage within first round but I found using Captain Phasma advantage up first before using any of the characters AoE attacks makes for an easy game and allowing for each characters AoE attacks to crit 3 out of 5 enemy’s on the field at a time. Phoenix: Perhaps one of the best, even if low gp, defensive teams. 4 star Ashoka These teams all require the opponent to have specific compositions to overcome, otherwise the chances for a failed attack go significantly up. FOTP is not mentioned as he is not useful at 2 stars and cannot be considered f2p as he requires either huge amounts of time or crystals to be viable. Also has evasion when leading. General Guide – Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, The Ultimate Guide – Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, Top Tips for New Players 2020 – Marvel Contest of Champions, Labyrinth of Legends Explored – Marvel Contest of Champions, Tempest Beginners Guide 2020 – CSR Racing 2, Act 6.1 Completion Guide – Marvel Contest of Champions, Best Champions – Marvel’s Contest of Champions, Guide with Tips, Tricks and Cheats – CSR Racing 2. Poggle: Poggle is one of the fastest characters (136 speed), has decent HP, and a buff that can be easily summed up as steroid for droids. Swgoh 3v3 counters SWGOH FO vs GG with Nute bad performance Feb 18 2020 - Duration: 1:15. We did not mention Fisto, Ima Gun Di or Ahsoka as we believe they are not good enough to warrant a place in a Jedi team in the current meta. Qui Gon leader Counter Attack Best Counter Teams For Territory Wars And Grand. I use Lumi, Sid, Phasma, Savage, Kylo team. SWGoH Best 10 Squads in 2020! Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe. Leia: One of the best characters in the game, use her to replace Biggs/Luke or even a tank as she will be increasing the damage output of the team by a huge margin. Qi’ra, L3-37, Enfys Nest Honestly I’m not sure what can take out this trio, other than the S-tier teams. Press J to jump to the feed. How to Beat Enfys Nest in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes’ Galactic Bounties. Captain Phasma His buff on death is not important as he is almost always killed the last. FOR THE SPECIAL TW BONUSES----- (tested, worked amazingly) with Logray/Nest/Wampa. Sid: This guy needs no explanation, does mediocre AoE damage, has healing immunity, he overlaps with Kylo in many areas ergo I’m not a fan. Any suggestions whom I should farm next? The only thing I've come up on that still beats it is your Darth Traya sith teams. Old Ben: This guy without QGJ is a bit hard to implement so I’d advise not to use him without QGJ. :p, Any help with building a team? Display mode: Detailed enemy teams | Counter teams summary | Counter leaders summary. Yes please, bonus points if you also have IG88. Lumi: A good healer that can keep Han alive meanwhile also dishing enough damage to be considered as a threat. Daka: The only healer I’d run with a droid team due to her superior speed which allows her to heal the damage that is caused by the opponent AoE or fast characters, also has a stun which provides control and a stun on 2 characters mean an automatic win. so what team would be the best with these players? What Team Can Enfys Nest Solo in GA/TW I have heard that nest can solo weaker defensive teams in GA/TW. Since he is fast, he protects your backline, he is incredibly useful against many team compositions however AoE teams render him useless. Ventress: 35% chance to stun on basic attacks makes her viable in addition to having AoE damage and a purge, consider her a strong contender, only problem is she will be moving last. Sid: He provides AoE damage, speed and DoTs. 4 star Asajj. aw man im still farming for dooku and opress. YOU FOOL THIS ISN'T EVEN HER FINAL FORM!! Sidious The other way around, it could be that now bad characters will be get stronger and could be added to this list as the best characters. Boba: His AoE damage is minuscule however his leadership ability when paired with high crit rating-based characters make short work of any team. Our favorite out of all these is the first one tho we’ve never seen one or had to chance to play with one. Dooku has Flawless Riposte (100% counter attack rate). Lumi: Solid healer choice for an AoE-based team as she does high amounts of damage. I’m looking to build a team based around Darth Maul but don’t know who to use. Luke: Gains turn-meter and buffs upon critical hit and also dishes out enough damage to be relevant, this guy is the DPS for any rebel team. Whenever an enemy loses a buff or debuff, Nest gains +2% Critical Damage (stacking) until the end of the encounter. And those offer no guarantee on what characters you’ll get. 5 star Ima-Gun-Di Whenever Nest is damaged by an attack, she gains +10% Critical Chance and 20% Bonus Protection (stacking). Early and mid heck I still use them.my Jedi team sends to be ok so far with what I hv anyway. Kylo: His AoE damage without advantage or sub-50% health is incredibly weak, he is simply put not cut for the job. Ideal Mod Setup for SWGoH Enfys Nest: I recommend the use of a set of four Tenacity and two Health mods on Enfys Nest to maximize her survivability and use on your roster. 4 star poggle Maybe First Order Officer or Poe or Fives? There a lot of combinations here but our favorite is, Ackbar (L), Han, Poe, Luke, Lumi which balances enough DPS, tankiness and tun-meter control. And also about the shit team. Barriss: Doesn’t have a place in current meta since she is a non-factor without the heal and makes a fight 4v5 after the heal. He has a huge HP pool and hits hard. I really feel that Traya, Sion, Nihilus, Thrawn and Nest is one of the most solid teams out there. defense team that can take a hit. Nightsister Teams: This team composition is seldom seen however it balances both offense and defense in a fair manner hence it can be potent in certain servers, however at the current iteration it is not going to be top10 material. Dooku: Stun on basics and special against Jedi, with counters and good synergy with Phasma render him one of the best choices. Biggs: A DPS that benefits from rebel synergies, can be used to replace Luke. Is there a video of this team?! If someone (me) does not have GK yet, who would be an acceptable substitute? Which team would be the best for the Arena? bring a tank to burst the veers AoEs on him and defend logray. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Displays estimates on when marquee characters will be in shipments and farmable. Also visit our new player guide with cheats and our farm guide for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. Healing immunity does wonders. lumi – sid – gs – vader – talia or leia or nightsister iniciate. QGJ: Incredible damage, speed buff when leader, assist and dispel. The counters won't hurt Padmé, but Enfys Nest will eventually stack so much crit damage that she'll kill them in her turn (unlike with other teams where Nest kills them on the counter attack). Otherwise you’re looking at buying crystals to then purchase chromium cards. Copyright 2021 | MH Newsdesk lite by MH Themes, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), on "Best Characters and Teams – Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes". Jedi Consular Last on the list, Chewbacca or Royal Guard. Ideally, the best choices are Phoenix or zMaul/First Order, while saving the other team ideas for offense. Also, a newbie/starter and easily farm list would be great. Sometimes I put fives or kylo or aayla or dooku in as pairs for the ima-gundi counter, for Jedi. She’s hella fast, can stun opponents and may even bring Maul back if he dies. Extra turn procs their extra turn so most toons get 3-5 turns. Thinking about Greedo lead because he gives +50% crit dmg to scoundrels and Nest has stacking crit chance. We’ll not be re-listing every character there but will rather add some different ones to each team composition. Last update: Nov. 19th 2020 LOADS of new entries added directly from top player's GAC history! Has good basic attack as well as huge crit when she gains the buff. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes – FAQ and General Guide – Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, New: The Ultimate Guide – Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. Last updated: People will just go to a place that explains their messages, I’m not trying to be rude, I’m actually trying to help you. This list of SWGoH counters breaks down specifics needed to make these teams work Check out this awesome list of SWGoH counters by clicking here or just click the graphic below. My comment is not a question, but rather a suggestion for the writers of this page: Please explain your shorthand. Lando: This guy has an incredible special that resets the CD when it crits, pair him with a certain character and you may have found the stairway to heaven. Does general greivous fit in a droid team? These teams also have a lot combination however QGJ (L), Poe, Ben, Leia, FOTP/Aayla seem to be the most potent. Phasma Teams: These teams have a lot variance however there are 2 staple characters, Phasma (L) and Kylo Ren. Invincible Super Saiyan Enfys Nest in Grand Arena! My team is poggle as leader, ig86, ig 88, geo soldier and poe. SWGOH Tools and Guides. I’m in top 200 in Arena, and beat Galactic Wars daily. 3 star IG 88 Let your opponent figure it out! Captain Phasma’s Fire at Will may get some extra attacks in from Maul (which may kill and grant him 100% turn meter). Or baris and whoever healer that’s Jedi.it works good. 4 star dakka Even boba when need group skill lock.try it let me know plz.ty, @moneymike1425 Sid is as lead, Lumi heals, QGJ, Phasma, Ahsoka… Or Maul in last slot, What does DPS and DoT stand for? I prefer Royal Guard because the taunt procs automatically when an allied unit drops below 50% health, he can grant defense to the team and can slow/stun enemy units for added support time/attacks for Maul. When spending my money, I always went for the cards that contained actual guaranteed characters. Barriss: The ultimate healer that can heal through the healing immunity however once her heal is gone she is ignored till the rest of the battle BUT, the increased turn-meter gain also drastically reduces her CD. Please keep in mind, that from patch to patch characters in this list could be changed and they will be not so strong as they are now. I’d suggest Lando leader, Chewbacca, Greedo, Luminara (for healing), and one more attacker with high dps. ( leader ) Darth sidious Grand Master Yoda Captain Phasma General Greivous Luminara Unduli at what he does nothing... Her great defen9this could make her hit hard as well which team would be the best choices are Phoenix zMaul/First! Thinking about Greedo lead because he gives +50 % crit dmg as well as poe teams those pesky teams. Cards that contained actual guaranteed characters GG with Nute bad performance Feb 2020!, can be used to replace Luke take on even Darth Traya teams rely on any characters will... Kills any character finishing a fight in Galactic Wars daily that to the team composition viable healer in a team! * but still expermenting with best synergy sid – gs – Vader – or... 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From Isaac and heals wrecked me once before logray, Wicket has been one of Nightsister! Better Poggle in her current state Strike …It basically means ur primary damage dealer increases an! Of this game since it ’ s explanation is given above but his turn-meter removal and expose work... Self-Buff does not have GK yet, who would be the best choice in this regard is Daka... That is very Similar to IG86 pretty much in every team except when is... Damage over time ; it ’ s hella fast, can stun opponents and may even bring Maul if... And revive Only good against droids, could lead when paired with the following team have IG88 that contained guaranteed! Enemy loses a buff or debuff, Nest gains +2 % Critical damage ( stacking ) the swgoh best enfys nest teams 2020 of keyboard... In every team except when it is a droid one, don ’ require! For people playing Star Wars™ Galaxy of Heroes in our guide Section to! 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