I have a 20 gallon tank with 2 African Dwarf Frogs, 3 Black Skirt Tetras, 1 Scissorfin, 4 Corys and 3 shrimps. Breeding Albino Cory Catfish is busy with placing eggs. , Oh, I just realized this was an old post. In this video I am showing how to breed and raise Cory Catfish from eggs to young adults. By entering this site you declare The cory cats like to school in a group of six or more. I adopted these Corys about 4 months ago and apparently they like their new digs very much. In this care guide, we answer some of the most frequently asked questions about this adorable bottom dweller. Know where you will keep the eggs and how you'll go about feeding fry and the like. In this video I am showing how to breed and raise Cory Catfish from eggs to young adults. Corydorus catfish (cory) are egglayers, so they do not become gravid. Choose healthy fish with normal coloring. I recently acquired a 10 gallon fish tank and put 2 albino cory catfish, 5 neon tetra, and 3 flame tetra. As if the pain of watching him suffer hasn't been enough, today while picking up a air stone I ended up bringing home a very sick and lonely albino cory catfish from petland discounts. Walk into nearly any pet shop in the world, and you will likely find at least one variety. Help!!! To spawn them, you need a male who will stimulate the female to lay the eggs on an flat surface. My emerald green cory catfish has a fat stomach i bought it 4 days ago with 5 others 11 died and i dont know if this will lead to death or if its pregnant its so small so i dont think its pregnant any ideas, The cory is probably smaller than an inch. This is not the only way, but this is the way I do it. Breeding the Julii Corydoras . They are all healthy but the extra bioload is just too much on my tank now that they're bigger. Cory catfish fat or pregnant?! High nitrate levels can cause Albino Cory catfish to develop infected barbels; this makes it difficult for them to navigate and eat normally. Albino corys are generally a form of bronze cory, but can be another species. Since corydoras are an egg-laying species and not a placental organism, the term "gravid" is used instead of "pregnant". This is not the only way, but this is the way I do it. How big are they when there full grown??? By entering this site you declare Next time I would like to try to raise the cory catfish … I know how to sex a few types of fish but I am not sure how to tell whether my albino corys are male or female. They lay eggs on the side of the Glass. If the fish is a female, she may be gravid, but she can't be pregnant. Betta and Albino Cory Catfish in ten gallon? What is going on? Being egg bound is not good, there is nothing we can do to help them in such a case. I had a bunch hatch in my net they are very small fries to start out. Julii corys are white with many tiny stripes and spots. Corydoras Catfish: A Big Introduction to a Small Catfish. Hiyotada Scientific name: Corydoras paleatus Also known as: Blue Leopard Corydoras, Peppered Catfish, Peppered Cory Adult size: Males–2.5 inches (6.5 cm), Females–3 inches (7.5 cm) Lifespan: 5 years Minimum tank size: 15 gallon pH: 6.0–7.0 Hardness: to 12 degrees dGH Temperature: 72–78 degrees F (22–26 degrees C) Tankmates: Peaceful, best kept in schools with other smaller fish They possess a golden white body coloration and light pink eyes which create contrast on dark substrates and plants. What do they eat?? Breeding Albino Cory Catfish is busy with placing eggs. Look for fish that behave normally and stay near the bottom of the tank. Favourite answer. I have a quiet large female albino cory and i have just put ... Tankmates for Albino Cory Catfish in a 10 gallon, Albino cory cats and lighting with current movement. URGENT: WHITE FUZZY STUFF ON A CORY CATFISH. They possess a golden white body coloration and light pink eyes which create contrast on dark substrates and plants. How often do you feed the fish? You say pregnant, but you know they lay eggs. Most (but not all) albino corydoras that you seen in shops are an albino form of the bronze cory Corydoras aeneus, so yes, they will breed together, but all the babies will probably be bronze; the gene for albino is recessive (so will be 'hidden' by the gene for the bronze colour). I got home from work today to find my albino cory catfish with a larger than usual stomach. ... Could anybody tell me what kind of catfish I have? So, a shortening of that would be ten Corys. Well, I guess it’s only “classic” if you know what that means. Getting more fish instead of resolving the problem isn't a great move. Cory lifespan varies significantly, but it does tend to be on the long side; with proper care and water conditions, it’s not uncommon for them to live up to 20 years. I recently noticed that the albinos stomach is rounded out and dark. Maybe they aren't compatible with your water? Each cory should stay close to the … Is aquarium salt harmful to cory catfish? The Bottom Crew. The bigger one has only just recently plumped out like this which is why I'm asking. They can have up to 200 babies, in one nest. I will tell you about the most recent breedings, and some things I have learned while breeding these fish. The pH is neutral (7.0 to 7.2) and the temperature is 75 degrees Fahrenheit. I am unsure whether it is a he/she. I think my (possible) female may be pregnant? Cories clean up the aquarium substrate, keeping the bottom of the tank clean and maintaining water quality. They will be a little,hard,White Eggs-in a day or to the egg will develop a little Black Spot in the Middle Of the Egg,the eggs will hatch in about a week. the water should be well oxygenate and kept clean Can Albino cory catfish, and ghost shrimp be in same tank? A breeding tank is recommended, as the parents will happily consume their eggs and fry, so it is necessary to separate the parents from the eggs after spawning has taken place. Infections from bacteria. Been like this almost 3-4 weeks. (We'll go over that later) Do a larger then usual water change and use slightly colder then normal water, if conditions are right anywhere from a few hours to a few days later, usually during the night, you'll find your females plastering eggs everywhere! This physical feature makes the species of this Cory catfish popular amongst Cory catfish enthusiast. Breeding Albino Cory Catfish is busy with placing eggs. The female carries the eggs clasped in her ventral fins and places them … There are 7 albino corycats (corydoras aneus) that need to find homes elsewhere. One of the first bottom feeding fish many aquarists purchase is the albino Cory cat or one of its relatives. , You need to have a tank with corys alone because Cory's like to be with Cory's trust me because I have a whole tank of them and they are sooooo happy. She will go up to the male and put her mouth by his anal fin ie she 'milks' him. Is my guppy in labor? My emerald green cory catfish has a fat stomach i bought it 4 days ago with 5 others 11 died and i dont know if this will lead to death or if its pregnant its so small so i dont think its pregnant any ideas Breeding Albino Cory Catfish is busy with placing eggs. Many owners keep them to take care of uneaten food from the bottom of the aquarium. That said, they do get (what I call) 'egg-heavy' so they can certainly look pregnant. Fat Raphael catfish... Is it bloated or just full after a meal? It looks pregnant! This physical feature makes the species of this Cory catfish popular amongst Cory catfish enthusiast. Could it have been something he/she ate? Can anyone help from pics? They are egg layers. I only started with them 3-4 months ago and my cory has already had babys not that they survived long with the chichlids but yeah they need two males to one female and at least a 70% water change giving them bloodworms for a few days beforehand. There are easy to breed, but platies will eat the fry if they can get them in their mouths! I have three albino corys in my 20 gallon community tank. First timers are best off going for common and well known cories, such as Green, Emerald, Peppered, Albino, or Panda to name the most common ones. Watch her for a couple days to see if the black patch disappears. It lives with 3 albino and 3 sterbai cory cats. The black patch is whats throwing me off, the eggs will be white or have a slight pinkish tint to them. Without a male the female, if she has any eggs, will absorb them back into her body. How can I tell? Cory catfish are considered a hardy breed that remain small in adulthood and do not require a large tank. ! Freshwater & Brackish Aquaria Forums I do not believe it is dropsy as there is no raised or pine cone affect skin (its smooth) the catfish is lively and eating normally as are the others. The cory on the right seems to be a female due to the size and shape, but IMO I don't think its gravid just yet. There is no guarantee that you won't have to deal with health problems or disease, but cory catfish are very resilient. Then the female will swim around and deposit a bit of sperm and just a … Sterbai cories are inverted julii corys. Corydoras are not really easy to sex. NOTE: don't worry I know everything there is to know about bettas. the pectoral fins and to a … However, it is very important to ensure the transfer from the store to the tank is as gentle as possible, as Corys can die shortly after being added if the shock is too great. This is my personal experience breeding Cory catfish. you read and agreed to the. Mine get kinda fat when they are pregnant so that might be it!, Well its so small and ive had it for 4 days how can it be pregnant. She will lay sticky eggs on the glass, or on plants. She will go up to the male and put her mouth by his anal fin ie she 'milks' him. Bloating, sometimes, might respond to treatment. I might exchange for another cuz my cories have been on a dying spree, thats to bad they really Re a awesome fish, I know i love um i had 3 albinos before i moved then started with pandas they died ecept 1 and bought 5 greens 1 died so im confused greens r supposed to be hardy, I had one emerald die and when I got another one the original one killed it☹️, Cories are hardy. I know this is an old post, but I think your fish might have been dying because of your water quality. then the Female Cory will lay between 100-200 eggs usually on the Tank walls or plants. Will 2 be to much???? You should see the male start 'cleaning' areas - this will be where she will lay her eggs. Albino Cory cat missing lower jaw? Will the cory ea... Is my white molly pregnant or just fat?? Female corydoras are generally plumper and larger than the smaller, skinnier males. My other fish had a delicious meal. It could just be a bit fat. ), My tanks a 30 gallon all the fish are fine exept the cories it weird. Well, I guess it’s only “classic” if you know what that means. But if tank conditions are seriously out of whack, you can't expect them to live like that. The cory on the right seems to be a female due to the size and shape, but IMO I don't think its gravid just yet. So well that my Corys decided to spawn and have laid about 50 - 60 eggs in the tank. If 11 of them died, then you have an tank issue not the fish. There are over 170 recognized species of Corydoras, with 100+ species yet to be given scientific names.They belong to the Family Callichthyidae and range throughout South America, from the Andes Mountains to the Atlantic coast, and from Trinidad to northern Argentina. I've searched everywhere online to find out why this is happening and so far all I can come up with is that she is full. Breeding of the julii cory is typical of other cory species. Thank you for answering. How big is your tank? The albino cory cat is an amazing addition to any south american aquarium. The tank is doing beautifully!!! The second week I found some minor problems with the color of the water,( it being murky because of the cycle of the tank). few days time,you should see white eggs on the … Stuff you probably should know before breeding: Lets get the basics down first STARTING: Decide what cory you want to breed. The Male Cory will follow the Female cory to Seed the Eggs. Maintain nitrate levels below 20 … They belong to the genus Corydoras, a group of over 170 described species of Catfish from South America. Lets talk a little about the fish themselves. He was the only cory in a huge tank of 50+ glofish and has red markings on his body. Cory catfish scared and maybe fat or pregnant?! Check out my website: http://fortheloveoffish.webs.com/Sorry I will do tank maintenance hey, how can u tell if a albino cory is preganant ? She's pretty fat the other catfish I've seen so I think she is. As part of their treatment, you have to know many cory catfish disease types. I think the distinction being made here is that cories aren't 'pregnant' in the live-bearer sense of the word. You'll be able to see the difference from a birds-eye view. 3 Common Symptoms On Sick Cory Catfish. I wouldn't feed for a couple of days and see what happens. He was consistently darting up to the tank gasping for air. Here are some pictures; Ive attache... Best fish for 5 gallon tank including a Cory catfish. I have guppies with mine and I have had platy's also the cities stay mostly on the bottom & shoot up to the top sometimes. Betta and Albino Cory Catfish in ten gallon? The females are wider and the males, slimmer. And if they get pregnant again, the numbers go up. Cory catfish may be pregnant... Is there a way to tell if an albino Cory is... My Cory catfish has been lying on his side now for almost 3 weeks! The Bottom Crew. Mature male Corydoras almost always have longer and more robust fin spines than females, esp. Albino cory now has a black stomach?!?!? Can anyone leave tips on how to tell, what physical differences to look for Also, in pet shops, these little fellas seem to live on the bottom doing nothing, in my tank now they whizz about all over the place like fishies on speed. I did a wa... Is my albino Cory supposed to have a black stomach? Can someone tell me if my two albino Cory's are a pair? Infections from bacteria. He looks... Cory Cat very fat, full of eggs, or bloated? They only grow up to 3 inches in length and similar like any other catfish in its family, has barbels near the mouth region. 3 Common Symptoms On Sick Cory Catfish. You should see the male start 'cleaning' areas - this will be where she will lay her eggs. She might be bloated too, or egg bound. Only fish who give live birth can be pregnant. I noticed this morning my Cory in my 10 ... Can Albino cory catfish, and ghost shrimp be in same tank? There are many who can help, ... You say Cory to be short for Corydoras. Why is my neon tetra so fat? Twice my cory catfish have laid eggs on the walls of the aquarium. I've had her for some months now and have never seen her like this. , let ’ s check out these three ( 3 ) common symptoms first: 1 nothing we do! Symptoms first: 1 hefty 1 '' -1.25 '' long to breed, but this not. Are seriously out of whack, you ca n't expect them to live that! 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