These molecules function, And, for example, to the extent that glucose is used, in different kinds of energy metabolism and to the extent that, galactose is not, there must be certain biochemical, mechanisms in which one has catalysts, the catalysts that we, call enzymes that ensure that one can convert one of these hexoses, through an enzyme into, let's say a less useful one into a, more useful one, glucose, which can readily be burnt, up by the energy-generating machinery. What's different about them? And this group up here is, once again, this happens to be a serine which is an amino acid, this also happens to be quite hydrophilic. You will draw a generic amino acid and categorize each of the 20 amino acids appropriately based upon the nature of the side chain. And it turns out that this, stereochemistry is extremely important. SES # H396P ABL PROTEIN EXPRESSION/ KINASE INHIBITION ASSAYS DNA SITE-DIRECtED MUTAGENESIS LAB MANUAL; Lab 1: Grow a starter culture of … This website gives access to all of the lab and lecture-related materials for MIT course 5.36, a research-inspired biochemistry laboratory sequence at MIT. That is the mutual attraction of positive and negative groups, one to the other. Here we see these two linear chains and here we see the branch which is afforded, which is made possible by the availability of these unutilized hydroxyl side chains which are just waiting around to participate, if the opportunity allows them, in some kind of esterification reaction to form a covalent bond. It's shed its proton. And so when I say hydrogen bond, you don't stare blankly at me and scratch your heads. There are never any monolayers of lipids in living cells. This comes from your book of what a vesicle looks like. Here through an esterification. For example, let's imagine a, situation where we have an ionized acid group of the sort we just, here, let's say I'll draw the negative charge on one of these two, oxygens, if you can see that. For many of you this is a review, but it's a useful review. there is a dehydration reaction between this hydroxyl here and this hydroxyl here. Your use of the MIT OpenCourseWare site and materials is subject to our Creative Commons License and other terms of use. Finally, the last online biochemistry course we have prepared for you today looks at the main concepts related to biochemistry, and how we can apply them to health and disease. So today we're going to spend a little bit of time on some elementary chemistry just to develop our language that we use with one another. » Now, independent of any other forces that might exist here. Freely browse and use OCW materials at your own pace. This is called a lipid bilayer. And I won't put in all the protons and everything, but just imagine a situation like this. We'll get into its detailed structure shortly, but just imagine for a moment two long hydrophobic tails out here ended with a hydrophilic head. And, therefore, we imagine, if we look at what's called a space-filling model, and a space-filling model really is intended to show us what one imagines if one had this vision, which we don't have, how much space each of these atoms would actually take up if one were able to see them. which then are avidly taken up by the water molecules. our attentions today in terms of actual biochemistry. And consequently we now have two. This is one of over 2,400 courses on OCW. No enrollment or registration. Flash and JavaScript are required for this feature. Because here, for the first time, we talk about polymerization. lactose intolerant person. And, obviously, the stereochemistry of a, molecule is dictated by the flexibility with which participating, atoms can form bonds, whether we have a trivalent atom, like nitrogen or a tetravalent atom like carbon or a monovalent, the stereochemistry is dictated both by what atoms are present here and. And van der Waals interactions come from the fact that if we were to have, for example, two molecules over here which are not normally charged in any way, let's just talk about two aliphatic chains again. And we don't really understand why water goes through, which is an embarrassment because here's one of the fundamental biochemical properties of living matter that is poorly understood. And second of all there is a decrease in the entropy. And the electrostatic interactions, you cannot quantify exactly how many kilocalories a mole there is because the energetic value in electrostatic interaction is equal to one over r squared where r is the distance between these two charged groups. hooked up, for instance, let's look at a water molecule here. They can go on for 20 or even 30 carbons. And what should we note about glucose? And nonpolar molecules, which have large arrays of these kinds of bonds, or carbon-carbon bonds, these are relatively insoluble in, water, and that has important consequences for the organization of. Why is that? So lactase is the enzyme which, this is just the harbinger of many other enzymes we're going to talk. Here we have fructose and we have galactose. It's just implied by the end of, this line. And so you will have these two quasi-polar arrangements here and, here, very ephemeral, that is lasting for a very short, transient period of time. This is a bit hydrophobic, CH2. noncovalent and are much less energetic. energy sources from plants. Let's put an acidic group like this. Here we now go to another step forward that we're. Because if you look at the membrane, lining the vesicle, you see it's actually a lipid, bilayer, but one that in 3-dimensional space is actually a, sphere. And, therefore, it will participate in hydrogen bonding to the water solvent here, i. And let's say we ionized it. the outer membrane of the cell that we talked about in passing last time, there are ion pumps which are constantly working away pumping ions, from one side to the other overcomes the little bit of leakage which may, have occurred if a calcium ion happens to have snuck through in one, direction or the other. Download files for later. In fact, class, there's a second meaning for. Why is this important? Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I'm surrounded by these people. You see one of the six points on this hexagonal structure here is oxygen. by thermodynamic considerations which cause this particular hexose. The fact of the matter is I'm fudging a little bit here because in. or we often call it hydro, might as well spell it right. It's called cellulose. You will know how ATP provides the energy to power cellular work. A gentleman you are. Here's our old friend the basic amino group. But here we have these lactose intolerant people. And it's actually the case, to my knowledge, that one doesn't really understand to this day why lipid bilayers are reasonably permeable to water. In eukaryotic cells, as I mentioned last time, there is an enormous premium placed on separating and segregating different aqueous compartments which is invariably achieved through the device of constructing these lipid bilayers. But, in fact, this energy, the energy of a covalent bond is so much higher that it's highly unlikely that thermal energy is going to break apart a preexisting covalent bond. In fact, virtually all of them. And conversely the hydrophobic tails fleeing from the water will actually associate one with the other. And amino acids, ATP, glucose 6 phosphate. Use OCW to guide your own life-long learning, or to teach others. It's sometimes called amphipathic. Here's a starch, which is what we get from many plants. Biochemistry Free and Easy is a free textbook incorporating original songs, recordings, verses and links to over 100 video lectures. Every five years I ask a class to see who knows what the second meaning of hydrophobia is. And you can imagine, therefore, in principal that there are certain biochemical mechanisms which indeed exist which enable one to join two glycerol molecules, one to the other, to create something like a hexose, glucose. And these things, the aliphatic portion hates to be in water. We will learn about the general structure and function of lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids, as well as the composition, structure, and function of proteins. What's different about them? through the stomach unaltered and it gets into the intestines. Obviously, depending on the distance between them. very shortly. one electron each. interest to a very small community of biochemists. Fundamentals of Biology And what we see here is, by the way, that we have exactly the, same number of carbon atoms and hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms but, they're hooked up slightly differently. nitrogen, and so it likes to attract protons to it. Biochemistry Lecture 4 by Prof. Robert A. Weinberg (MIT Prof.) With equal probability you can have these two atoms reversed, where hydrogen is now above the plane and hydroxyl is below the, plane. And here we have yet another nomenclature item. And keep in mind that this delta I show here is only a fraction of an, electronic charge. ., this proton will be shared a bit between the oxygen of the water, molecule and the oxygen right here. And, as a consequence, there is a fraction of a negative charge here at this end of the molecule and there are fractions of positive charges here because it's not as if they've totally given up the electrons, but the electrons are shifted more in this direction. And time and again you'll see, over the next weeks, that, esterification reactions are important for constructing different, kinds of molecules. And here's another very interesting polysaccharide. lipid bilayers are reasonably permeable to water. It's only one order of magnitude. And here we have yet, another nomenclature item. Thank you, sir. And why they can is something we'll have to wait, until next time to learn about. We're, making polymers. And thermodynamics tells us that generally the ordering of molecules is disfavored. something like that. And if one of these ions ventures over here, it's going from an area where it's warmly embraced by the solvent molecules to an area where these molecules intensely dislike these ions. The MIT Biology Department core courses, 7.012, 7.013, and 7.014, all cover the same core material, which includes the fundamental principles of biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, and cell biology. Now, in fact, there are two directions here in this kind of reaction. And, as a consequence of that, this really likes to stick its head inside water. You probably will never, you may never hear this term again in your life. And that really is stunning testimonial to the fact that under very difficult conditions, nonetheless, complex biological molecules are able to survive over astounding periods of time, indeed those that are held together by the covalent bonds like this. Book - Kevin and Indira's NEW Guide to Getting Into Medical School - How many people here are lactose intolerant? And, therefore, if you had a bond, if there was something holding things together that was in this, range or two or three or four times higher then the simple thermal, energy at room temperature or at body temperature would be sufficient. Either before or even after this ionization, there is a strong affinity of the carboxyl group with the water around, it because let's look at what happened before the ionization, electronegative. obviously I mean to form a circular structure. And this will, in fact, also if one puts this in a solution of water, this will cause all the water molecules to line up in a certain way, almost a quasi-crystal around the aliphatic molecule. biochemistry lectures provides a comprehensive and comprehensive pathway for students to see progress after the end of each module. which tie such molecules together or will rip them apart. And this ordering represents a loss. let's look up at this one here, instead of adding a third fatty acid. millions of these molecules into a solution of water. These molecules function very differently, one from the other. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) offers biochemistry courses online, which focus on the many chemical processes that take place in biological organisms. plants. If there's a higher concentration of ion on side of the lipid bilayer, and a lower one on this side, this diffusion will allow the ion to. And this group up here is, once again, this happens to be a, serine which is an amino acid, this also happens to be quite, hydrophilic. And you see that happening on at least three different occasions. This is the chemistry of living organisms. » We'll talk about it shortly. And half the world, as adults, cannot absorb this. I'm married to a very lactose intolerant person. Let's look at a compound that's structured like this. We believe here at MIT of teaching things two or three times often, the same subject matter, but at increasing levels of sophistication. So let's just say that's our intro into lipids and membranes. Whereas, carbohydrates, many of them end in O-S-E, as you've already sensed. And, therefore, we can imagine there could be a net negative. Diels-Alder I (Prof. Klibanov) Feb. 15 Note: the special day/time/plac e Electronic Literature Search-II (Erja Kajosalo: Reference Coordinator, Chemistry Librarian 617 253-9795; Lecture time: 1:00 P.M.-2:00 P.M.; 14N-132 Feb. 16 Asymm. So this lactose molecule will go into the stomach, it will remain undigested, it will remain a disaccharide. Here we see a carbon bond to a hydroxyl here via this oxygen atom. effective for separately these two aqueous compartments. of gas and other kinds of byproducts. Your use of the MIT OpenCourseWare site and materials is subject to our Creative Commons License and other terms of use. as a consequence, there is no net shifting of charge. And a dislike of water is often called its hydrophobicity. There's no signup, and no start or end dates. Lecture Place: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9:30 - 10:20am WTHR 104: TA s: Patty Wiley: BRWN 3124. Kelsey Bohn: BRWN 3134: Karen Olsen: BRWN 3124: : Office Hours: Office hours will be held in BRWN 3130. distribution of electrons will in turn induce the opposite kind of. Here's what we saw just before. Why is that? And then we once again have the hydrophilic head here. In fact, virtually all the energy, that is expended in our brain, almost all of it is expended to, power the ion pumps which are constantly insuring that the, concentrations of certain ions on the outside and the inside of. Because here, for the first time, we talk about polymerization. intolerant. And, as a consequence, people can go and have ice cream, until the age of 70, 80 or 90 without becoming very, bloated. Now, having said that, we can begin to look at yet other higher level structures. are immersed or sticking their heads into the hydrophilic space. And we can call it that, too. the inside of the vesicle water is kept, can be stored. Download the video from iTunes U or the Internet Archive. It could therefore be that actually more than half of our metabolic burden every day is expended just keeping the ions segregated on the outside and inside of cells. And when we talk about a carbohydrate amongst ourselves we're, talking about a molecule which, roughly speaking, has one carbon, atom for every water molecule. This is a carboxylic group. A vesicle is, more complicated than a micelle. Glycerol, which we talked about before, is also considered in one sense a. carbohydrate, but it's been called by some people a triose. 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